Formerly titled You Can’t Make This Stuff Up.
While President Obama continues to decide whether he has the stomach to take seriously and challenge the extreme conservative flank of the Republican Party on health care reform, it’s always refreshing to know that we can count on some of the more unhinged of the conservative movement to strut their stuff and give us a few lowlights.
So, with that in mind, I have decided to launch a new monthly entry, titled, Stupid is as Stupid Does. Each month I will pick three contestants who have distinguished themselves in the annals of stupidity. I know it will be difficult, given that there are so many contestants to choose from and so little space. And, of course, there are some individuals who will be frequent flyers, if you know what I mean.
So let's start the festivities, shall we?
First Place in this month’s contest goes to Sarah Palin, now former governor of Alaska, who just can’t resist reassuring the millions of Americans who didn’t vote for her last year that they made the right choice. Seems she’s been blogging on her Facebook page and had some choice words about President Obama’s health care plan.
"The America

Now of course Palin is not the only conservative who has deliberately distorted for political purposes what’s in the health care plan, but not even the most partisan hacks have invoked the term death panel. When you’re further to the right than most of the space cadets who have shown up at the town hall meetings and engaged in staged shouting matches you’re about as fringe as it gets. Rumor has it that Palin has decided to go out on the stump for Republican congressmen and senators during the 2010 mid-terms and that the vast majority of them have not returned her phone calls. I can’t imagine why.
Runner up goes to the self-proclaimed “mobfather” of the lunatic Right, Rush Limbaugh, who never lets an opportunity to embarrass himself go by. This time he has truly gone all out by comparing Barack Obama to Adolph Hitler.
“Ms. Pelosi, you asked for this. Here you go. Adolf Hitler, like Barack Obama, also ruled by dictate. His cabinet only met once, one day. That was it. Hitler said he didn’t need to

BTW, the reference that Limbaugh is making regarding Pelosi has to do with a comment she made about some of the, shall we say, more enlightened of the town hall meeting attendees who were sporting swastika tattoos. She was not insinuating that these deranged individuals were in any way connected to the Republican Party; merely that they were being incited by radical elements within it. Not that that matters to the likes of a Limbaugh. The only thing he seems concerned about these days is his maniacal hatred for anything Obama.
But our third place winner this month is a tie between personal favorites, Michelle Malkin and Glenn Beck. Talk about persistence paying off. Malkin appeared on last week’s The View, which for her is analogous to a vampire staying up to see the sunrise. Malkin is promoting her new book “

So there you have it. This month’s “Stupid is as Stupid Does” awards. Stay tuned next month to see who our winners will be; or you can just watch Fox News.
I think Palin was confused. Wasn't she describing the current healthcare system?
Wow, you picked some heavy hitters there, Pete. These 4 alone should keep you busy for months.
And to think I haven't spoken about Sean Hannity or Michele Bachmann in months. And Bill O'Reilly and Mark Levin? Don't get me started.
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