Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Time for the Neo-cons To Take A Hike

The events in Iran over the last few days have stirred emotions in all of us. It would be impossible not to be moved by the violence take is taking place in cities like Tehran. Unquestionably the election results were fixed so that Mahmoud Ahmadinejad would win in a landslide; it is obvious that he has the backing of the Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei as well as the Majlis – the Iranian equivalent of a legislative body. It is equally obvious to all with eyes that this is a test for the American government, and for once we have a president who is passing the test.

The last thing the United States needs to do is get involved in the internal affairs of another Middle Eastern country. Despite what conservatives and Republicans – it is getting more and more difficult to tell them apart these days isn’t it? – are saying, President Barack Obama has chosen wisely to not bite on the apple of intervention. He has condemned the violence without taking sides. He has chosen to let the Iranian people fight their own revolution, if that’s what in deed happens.

The truth is we have had a deplorable track record with respect to the Middle East. We badly overestimated our presence in Afghanistan, needlessly invaded Iraq, and inflamed the passions of countless millions of Muslims around the world against us, who see us as invaders and occupiers of their holy land.

What we need now is restraint and patience, not more of the same disasters that have been the stuff of countless failed neo-con game plans. When are we finally going to get it through our thick skulls that the United States is NOT welcomed in this part of the world; that we have earned our badly scarred reputation, and that by staying the hell out of a conflict and not inflicting our own brand of democracy, things do have a way of working out? If we want someone to blame for the rise of Islamic fundamentalism in the Middle East all we have to do is look in the mirror. It was our support of the Shaw of Iran that brought about the revolution of 1979. The whole 444 days episode that helped bring about the end of the Carter Administration in 1980 could have been avoided had we simply stayed out of Iranian affairs in the first place.

And now the people of Iran will decide which course of action to take. If we truly desire democracy than let’s do our part by not sticking our nose in places where it doesn’t belong. The religious authorities are paranoid about what the West will do and are looking for any excuse to blame us. Let’s not give them that excuse. For once let’s let our principles and values speak louder than our bombastic voices and our military might. The President’s wisdom is the correct path; for our sake let’s hope the rest of our leaders get it.

1 comment:

steve said...

Thanks, Pete. I appreciated Glenn Greenwald's ironic observation that the same neo-cons who are now crying, "We must help these poor Iranians," are the same ones who were shouting "Bomb Iran" only a few months ago. Can't they make up their minds? Don't they understand that bombing Iran would unavoidably have killed many of the same people who are now protesting?

Did you see the exchange between Sens. Kerry and Graham last night on Lehrer?
Though I agree with Kerry, I think Graham won the soundbite contest with "Experts don't change things."