Thursday, June 25, 2009

Pro Life vs. Pro Choice: An interesting dialogue.

Below is a link to a discussion between Mike Huckabee and Jon Stewart on The Daily Show that I got from Steve. I agree with the comments made by Jim Wallis. Why can't there be more thoughtful discussions on this admittedly provocative subject?

1 comment:

steve said...

It was interesting to watch. Stewart seemed to want to find some common ground, but Huckabee seemed to shy away from that, although his discourse was restrained and respectful. Not sure if Huck did that because he just didn't get it, or he was playing to the peanut gallery and ideologues back home. Jon raised a good point in that the language used to frame the abortion debate is itself often inflammatory: "pro-life" v. "pro-choice." I appreciated Jon's vulnerability in admitting his struggle with the issue.