Post Script to the previous blog.
FROM THE FRYING PAN TO THE FIRE: Clinton Makes RFK Assassination Remark.
Just when you thought you’d heard everything possible in American politics and believed that there was nothing more that could scorch your sensibilities, the right honorable junior senator from New York went the proverbial extra mile and, in what can only be described as a meltdown of epic proportions, stuck her foot on the third rail of politics, then quickly into her own mouth by referencing the assassination of Robert Kennedy in 1968 as a reason to stay in the Democratic primary race. She also, just to pile it on as it were, referred to her husband’s 1992 primary bid, stating that he had not wrapped up the nomination until mid-June.
As for the latter reference, the former first lady seems to be suffering from selective amnesia. While it is true that Bill Clinton did not "officially" wrap up the Democratic nomination until after the California primary, which for some strange reason was held in mid-June that year, the results of that contest were at best academic. He had a huge lead in delegates, and the contest had all but been decided months earlier. The California primary was the cherry on top of his nomination. Anyone with access to a computer or history book would know that.
As to the former statement, it can now be said of Hillary Clinton that she has completely lost her mind. Her campaign has now become the laughingstock of this nomination process. To even suggest, with a straight face, that you are staying in a race because of a potential assassination attempt on your rival goes above and beyond the limits of even gutter politics and enters into an arena that is within the purview of individuals who know neither decency nor are affected by conscious. That the Clintons, who have never tasted defeat in their political lives, would pull out all the stops to win the nomination is certainly not front-page news; anyone who has ever seen them in action has not been surprised by the tactics that they have employed. But that they would sink to this level is appalling and despicable, and is evidence of a campaign whose wheels are finally coming off, and to paraphrase a now infamous Dick Cheney quote, "Is in it’s death throws." If she can quote Karl Rove, I can quote Dick Cheney!
Even Clinton’s half-baked apology, if you can call it that, lacked even a trace of humility; not to mention the fact that the junior senator from New York didn’t even have the courtesy of including Barack Obama in her half-baked apology. In deed, her "apology" lacked even a trace of remorse for the damage her words might have done. Instead she only expressed "regret" that if her words were interpreted as offensive, that was not her intention. Please! Spare us! Her inability to connect the dots and realize that for millions of African Americans who have faced centuries of racism in this country, the word assassination is not merely a historical reference to the Kennedy family, as Clinton tried to pawn off; it is a frightening specter that they live with every day. They are painfully aware that there still exists within our society elements that cannot accept the candidacy, much less the presidency, of a black man in charge of the country. Such elements would revel in taking out such an individual. That Clinton could not muster the slightest empathy over those fears should be all the evidence anyone needs that she is oblivious to everything but her ambition. It is obvious that nothing seems to be able to shame her and her husband, not even when it’s painfully obvious to all but the most rank Clinton apologists.
Hopefully, now, the super delegates will step in and end this charade. What Hillary Clinton could not do on her own, namely bring to a civilized end a long, drawn out and bitter campaign, the super delegates will now bring to closure. No matter what she decides to do in the weeks and months ahead, she has severely damaged her standing within the Senate, and all I can say is it couldn’t have happened to a more deserving person.
Bon Appetite!
I was bothered before the nomination process began that everyone seemed to assume that Hillary would be the nominee. She still seems strangely unable to shake this assumption. I now feel a bit of loathing that I almost voted for her in the February primary. I also find it very strange that, with her naked ambition more apparent than ever, she's doing better than Obama against McCain in national polls. Her unwillingness to give in, no matter how appalling it may seem to us, must appeal to many people.
One almost gets the queasy feeling that her remarks were some kind of signal to underworld elements to take him out. I guess that's crazy, huh? She scared me before; now she reeeeeally scares me!
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