Thursday, May 22, 2008

The following is a letter I submitted to Hillary Clinton through her website:

To Hillary Clinton,

It is very curious in deed that you seem to be redefining the rules of this primary contest. First you said that Florida and Michigan would NOT count, now they do. You then said that the total delegate count (both pledged and super) would be the determining factor, now it's popular vote count. And with regard to the delegate count, you agreed it would be 2025 (now 2026), now you have up'd it to 2210. Next you said that every vote counted, but now, apparently, only the votes in those swing states that you win seem to matter, and Obama's votes aren't as important. Now you are in Florida, citing a movie about the 2000 Florida recount that you haven't even seen yet. Your insistence on constantly moving the goal posts to serve your agenda would be humorous, if it weren’t so pathetic. Believing you are better than your opponent is one thing; asking rational people to undo a nine month process because you don't like the results is absurd.

Is there nothing you will not stoop to to capture this nomination? Your insistence that you be given all the Michigan votes - with none going to Obama because he was not on the ballot - is insulting to say the least. If every vote does in deed count, as you say, what about those people in Michigan who DIDN'T vote for you? Do you not think it logical to assume that had Obama been on the ballot that most if not all of them would’ve voted for him?

Face it, you have lost this race. There is no shame in admitting defeat, not when you've done the best you could. The only thing you can possibly accomplish by continuing this fight is to further polarize and divide an electorate going into the fall campaign. If you succeed at that you will forever have a footnote next to your name that will haunt you the rest of your days. Ask Ted Kennedy the next time you see him how he feels about the way he conducted himself in the 1980 Democratic primary. His actions severely compromised Jimmy Carter, making him even more vulnerable to Ronald Reagan in the general election.

I voted for you twice for senator; I even voted twice for your husband for president. But your continued irresponsible conduct over the last few days has given pause to many in the Democratic party and threatens to harm the party's chances in the fall. The fact that you are now quoting Karl Rove - an individual who clearly has no love loss for Democrats - only underscores the desperation of your candidacy. And as if that wasn’t bad enough, you are threatening to go all the way to Denver and force a brokered convention if your demands are not met. Enough is enough!

As someone who has seen enough of George Bush to last a lifetime, I am pleading with you to come to your senses and do what is right for the party you claim to love so much. If you act now, there will be plenty of time for healing the divisions within both camps. We need not fumble the ball on the one-yard line like we have so many times before!

Peter Fegan

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Clintons, like the polar bear, are not used to having any natural predators. So defeat and concession are not in their vocabulary. It wouldn't surprise me if the fight got even bloodier, down to the convention floor. Good job.