Sunday, November 15, 2009

A Global Initiative.

Recently it has come to light that there exists a petition, which contains the signatures of more than 31,000 “scientists” who have collectively refuted claims of man-made global warming.

Organized by the Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine, the purpose of this petition is to demonstrate that “the claim of 'settled science' and an overwhelming 'consensus' in favor of the hypothesis of human-caused global warming and consequent climate damage is wrong.”

So what qualifications does one need to have the honor of signing his or her name to such a prestigious petition? Apparently not many. Anybody with a BS can qualify, even those who are no longer living, or hold degrees in relevant fields. The OISM also wanted to let everyone know that 9,021 of the signers hold PhDs. They don't specify what the doctorates are in, but they repeat that figure quite a bit, as if it means something.

I looked up one of the honorees - a professor of medicine and Nephrology Division Chief at the University of Virginia - and thought it would be appropriate to ask him in writing to explain his reasoning behind signing the petition. Below is the letter that I emailed to him. I encourage all conscientious objectors to take up this cause to call out those who continue to stand in the way of common sense and decency. Our planet’s health is at stake. It is time to end this madness once and for all.

To Dr. W. Kline Bolton

You recently signed a petition questioning the validity of man-made global warming. I was wondering what level of expertise you possess that allows you to make such an informed opinion on the subject.

Seeing as how you are one of some 31,000 scientists that have signed this petition, some of who it seems are deceased, I feel it is appropriate for you to address this issue. With so many experts in the field convinced we have a problem that needs to be dealt with, I'm sure you can appreciate how "bad" science can distort the truth and blind us all to the obvious.

With the lives of billions of people hanging in the balance, now is the time for responsible people to put aside political posturing and wishful thinking and strive to bring about real solutions to our planet's dilemma. The consideration of a reply is requested.


Peter W. Fegan

1 comment:

steve said...

Go get 'em, Pete!