You Can’t Make This Stuff Up, Continues
I have been holding back with this topic, primarily due to two factors: 1. I was hoping to be more optimistic and this stuff just burns me up; 2. I was a bit lazy! Probably more the latter. But this time, I just couldn’t resist.
Glenn Beck is At It Again; or should I say more accurately, he never stopped. On his July 1st show he had on a guy named Michael Scheuer, a former CIA operative, who said the following:
“The only chance we have as a country right now is for Osama bin Laden to deploy and to detonate a major weapon in the United States, because it’s going to take a grass roots, bottom up pressure, because these politicians prize their office, prize the praise of the media and the Europeans. It’s an absurd situation again, only Osama can execute an attack, which will force Americans to demand that their government protect them effectively, consistently and with as much violence that is necessary.”
Throughout this whole diatribe, not once did Beck interrupt or correct Scheuer; in fact near the end, Beck can be seen nodding in agreement. I have attached the link to this show for your review, assuming of course that you have the stomach to watch it.
I have been holding back with this topic, primarily due to two factors: 1. I was hoping to be more optimistic and this stuff just burns me up; 2. I was a bit lazy! Probably more the latter. But this time, I just couldn’t resist.
Glenn Beck is At It Again; or should I say more accurately, he never stopped. On his July 1st show he had on a guy named Michael Scheuer, a former CIA operative, who said the following:
“The only chance we have as a country right now is for Osama bin Laden to deploy and to detonate a major weapon in the United States, because it’s going to take a grass roots, bottom up pressure, because these politicians prize their office, prize the praise of the media and the Europeans. It’s an absurd situation again, only Osama can execute an attack, which will force Americans to demand that their government protect them effectively, consistently and with as much violence that is necessary.”
Throughout this whole diatribe, not once did Beck interrupt or correct Scheuer; in fact near the end, Beck can be seen nodding in agreement. I have attached the link to this show for your review, assuming of course that you have the stomach to watch it.
The Right has certainly gone out its way to blast the current administration for its stance on the economy – going so far as to call Obama a socialist – but when one of your guests actually comes right out and says that an attack upon the United States by a terrorist is “the only chance” the nation has, and you sit there nodding like some moron, you have crossed whatever line there is not just for decency, but for treason.
I have heard enough stupidity from these bozos to last a lifetime. When their man was in power, they went out of their way to praise him and ridicule anybody who would even dare intimate some of the suggestions that have surfaced over the last few months, like secession. Now that they are out of power, the lunatics have truly taken over the asylum. Tea parties sponsored by corporations, neo-cons suggesting attacks on our own country, and polls taken to decide which form of insurrection would be desirable to rescue the nation from the socialists hordes are now becoming all too common with this lot.
I am growing more and more nervous with each passing day. The only thing scarier than having to listen to such fools spew would be if they actually got what they were wishing for. That is my ultimate fear. The simple truth is that the United States will probably be attacked in the future. What 9/11 should have taught us is that we are not nearly as untouchable as we thought we were. An attack on our soil, I’m afraid, could push the nation backwards into a myopic, nationalistic mode that would rival even what we witnessed in the months after the initial attack in 2001. That is the last thing the United States needs. With all that is at stake in the world, let’s pray that Glenn Beck and his ilk are not right. Let’s hope that America is made of better stuff than what Fox News believes about it.
Since I don't have cable, I never listen to Beck, but I heard him when I was at the gym on Tues and I could barely contain myself. A stupid, stupid man. I almost ran screaming from the room. Doubtless he is both tapping into and feeding the residual anger left over from the last election. Another attack on our soil would certainly shift things to the right and probably give the neocons and their Democratic lackeys the covering they need to take away more of our civil liberties and make even greater tactical blunders in foreign policy. Shame on them for inviting new attacks and the deaths of more Americans just so they can have their way and drag us all down the toilet. Evil.
I want to apologize for the uncivil discourse in my comments. Sorry, I just snapped.
no apology needed!
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