As promised, the second in my series of short glimpses into the Right’s inner sanctum. I hope you have a strong constitution.
Two of my favorite movies are The Godfathers I & II. In Godfather II, Michael is talking to one of his subordinates who is having, shall we say, a problem following directions. He wants to rub out the Rosatto Brothers and Michael is holding him back. In one of the movie’s more memorable lines, Michael says, “My father taught me many things. He said always keep your friends close, but your enemies closer.”
For those of you – yes I know all three of you – who sometimes wonder why I go through all this just to talk about people who clearly don’t represent any aspect of Christian values, remember the line above, and know this: our enemies don’t care if we have the stomach or constitution to endure what must be endured. They will never stop spreading their hate and utter contempt for anything that stands in their way. So long as I have the strength of my conviction, I will, with every breath and fiber of my being, closely follow their deeds and continue to reveal them for what they are: Pharisees and parasites. With that in mind, let’s catch up on one of my dear old favorites, who I admit I have not been keeping tabs on as of late: Sean Hannity.
Hannity’s Revolution!
Yes, it seems, the Right can’t wait for 2012, so Sean has graciously accommodated a few of his more vocal minions to chime in on what kind of revolution they would like to see occur in the United States. Below is the current sampling as of Friday morning, and below that is one of the more interesting posts.
View Poll Results: What kind of revolution appeals most to you?

Military Coup:
Armed Rebellion:
War for Secession:
Voters: 68.
Military Takeover does not mean criminal violence. Matter of fact it might put a stop to it. 99% of the military is on our side.Our military is nothing like foreign military dictators. I believe they would be honest, do what needs to be done, until we can get a civilian gvt back in.They would do it on their own.But at least the communists would be chucked out, and hopefully deported.It wouldn't have anything to do with civilians.
Now, while it’s important to note that Hannity is careful not to actually “agree” with the concept of a revolution, the fact that this appears in the Forum section of his own website is all you need to know about this guy’s sympathies. Remember, this is a man who criticized Barack Obama for his past association with Reverend Jeremiah Wright, yet had a close relationship with neo-Nazi Hal Turner.
While Rush Limbaugh has gotten the most attention of progressives in the country – particularly myself – Sean Hannity is, quite frankly, a far more influential, and potentially dangerous, leader among conservatives. In evangelical terms, Limbaugh would be Pat Robertson to Hannity’s James Dobson. Translation: both Limbaugh and Robertson have been so marginalized that they have almost become caricatures to many, even those who agree with their viewpoints. Hannity and Dobson, on the other hand, are far more insidious in their actions, and hence tend to fly under the radar at times.
And therein lies the threat. Limbaugh and Robertson are easy to spot; they glow in the dark. But this latest tidbit of treason hadn’t been discovered until Keith Olbermann revealed it on his “Countdown” show Thursday night in his “Worst Persons” segment. Imagine insurrection not being detected for that long. I wonder what the Department of Homeland Security would say about that?
There is one thing I am grateful for. Only 68 idiots bothered to vote for their preference of insurrection on Hannity’s website. Given how vocal these dimwits can get, that is very encouraging. However, the fact that anyone would seriously consider such actions, let alone publish them, frightens me to no end. My question for today is this: how many more of these individuals are out there, and what measures or steps would they take to achieve their goals? For it isn’t the lunatics who voice their opinions that keep me up at night; it’s the ones who sit and stew in quiet contempt for the values and laws we hold dearest.
Pleasant dreams!
1 comment:
They're just angry about losing the White House, so they're spewing. What possible justification is there for armed rebellion? I could understand if W. were still in office....
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