The House of Representatives passed a bill 283-144 protecting the firearms industry from damages from massive lawsuits brought by crime victims. The White House announced that President Bush will sign it into law.
Astonishing isn't it that this "pro-life" President and his "pro-life" party will stop at nothing to outlaw abortion, but so far has done nothing to prevent the large loss of life brought about by hand guns in this country. It wasn't enough that last year they (the Republicans) let the ban on assault rifles expire, now they have gone after the only recourse that victims of violent crimes had, namely damages.
There is not a day that goes by that I don't grieve over what this President has done not only to the country, but to the Office of President. Is it any wonder that our allies distance themselves from us.
There was an interesting episode of "Boston Legal" the other night that dealt with this very thing. (I'm not advocating the show, which is quite over the top.)Obviously, the producers knew in advance how Congress would vote on this issue. The plaintiff had been a victim of a shooting with an assault weapon and decided to sue Congress for its failure to ban them. Interesting idea.
How much money do you think that would take?
(Aside - Down here in Florida I have friends and neighbors, male and female, that both carry guns and sleep with them under their pillows. They also passed a law that allows you to shoot someone if you reasonably fear for your life. This was because of the obvious problem of victims being afraid to defend themselves due to possible suits or prosecution. I don't advocate guns in the least. Even after I was mugged[uninjured] I didn't lament not having a weapon. But you know those friends encouraged me to get one. Years ago, even my son urged me to. I can't see that I would ever use it)
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