Throughout her many years of ranting and raving and spewing and spinning, Ann Coulter has made a career of enraging anyone left of Ronald Reagan, and, at times, even embarrassing some of her supporters on the right. Some of her more "engaging" comments have been to regret that the 9/11 highjackers didn't fly into the New York Times building, calling Democratic Presidential candidate John Edwards a "faggot,"calling Bill Clinton "a very good rapist," and suggesting that taking away the right of women to vote would eliminate the possibility of electing of Democrats.
And now she can add yet another feather to a skull cap that many thought was filled to the brim. The latest furor erupted over an exchange Coulter had Monday with CNBC host Donny Deutsch on his show, "The Big Idea," during which she said the country would be better off if everyone were Christian. When Deutsch -- who is Jewish -- asked if she wanted to get rid of Judaism, Coulter responded, "We just want Jews to be perfected."
The irony of the comment was not that it was offensive or bigoted; in deed it is difficult to find any comment that Coulter has made that hasn't been offensive or bigoted. But the real irony is that, without quite intending it, she has encapsulated what the Religious Right has been preaching for decades. These religious zealots, who call themselves Christians, have been actively trying to rewrite the Constitution, insisting that since the Founding Fathers were Christian, that America is a and should forever remain a Christian nation. But, rather than get all hot and bothered about Coulter's comments, it seems to me we owe her a debt of gratitude for bringing to light the real and dangerous intent that threatens the fabric of the Republic. For while only a lunatic would take Coulter's myopic world view seriously, behind the scenes there lies a far less benign contingent hell-bent on eliminating, or at the very least marginalizing, all who disagree with their strict interpretation of one nation under God. We may laugh at the clown with the bad makeup and defaming dialogue, but all of us who value freedom of religion as well as freedom of speech, should take special care lest the rantings and ravings one day turn to law.
As I have said on more than one occasion, do NOT think it cannot happen here. Look at Germany as an example of a weak democracy that eventually fell. Freedom may be a gift, but it is a fragile gift; one that we must all take measures to preserve.